Chambers Ireland is the largest Irish business network
With a geographic reach and membership base that spans cities, towns, and communities nationwide.

Chambers Ireland is the largest Irish business network
With a geographic reach and membership base that spans cities, towns, and communities nationwide.
Chambers Ireland and the Sustainable Development Goals
For Ireland to implement the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, every part of our society must be included. With our regional and national reach, Chambers Ireland is unique positioned to influence and encourage businesses and the community. By championing the Sustainable Development Goals, Chambers Ireland ensures that our Network’s work reflects these goals in all we do.

What We Do
Chambers Ireland is the largest Irish business network, with a geographic reach and membership base that spans cities, towns, and communities nationwide. Our members are in every region and economic sector, we are uniquely positioned to represent the views of businesses and understand their concerns. We realise the vital role that the business community plays in adopting and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Ireland, and we support businesses’ commitments to achieving the Goals in every sector.

Our Core Statement
Chambers Ireland wants to see your business thrive. We have been the voice of the business community throughout Ireland for almost a century. This long tradition gives us deep roots in the towns and cities across our island. It also lets us take the long view when it comes to growth, we want our local economies to be business environments that nurture growth for decades and centuries to come – the only real growth is growth that is sustainable.
Our Latest Media and Policy

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
We are active members of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the world’s largest business representative organisation. Chambers Ireland (as ICC Ireland) engages on behalf of our members with intergovernmental organisations including the UN, the World Trade Organization, and the G20, over a range of policy issues (including trade, international standards, climate action, and the Sustainable Development Goals).
Find Your Local Chamber

Sligo Chamber
- 16 Quay Street
F91 X923 - 0719161274
- info@sligochamber.ie
- www.sligochamber.ie
Longford Chamber
- 26 Ballymahon Street
N39 X883 - 0876604010
- info@longfordchamber.ie
- www.longfordchamber.ie/
Drogheda & District Chamber
- Broughton House
Dublin Road
Co Louth
A92 CF57 - 0419833544
- enquiries@droghedachamber.com
- www.droghedachamber.com
Dundalk Chamber
- Unit 4
Partnership Court
Park St.
Dundalk - 0429336343
- info@dundalk.ie
- www.dundalk.ie
Ballina Chamber
- Pearse Street
Co. Mayo
F26 A4E6 - 09672800
- chamber@ballina.ie
- www.ballina.ie/
Ballyhaunis Chamber
- The Enterprise Centre
Clare Road
Co Mayo
F35 HC66 - 0949630311
- ballyhaunischamber@gmail.com
- www.ballyhaunischamber.ie
Westport Chamber
- The Leeson Enterprise Centre
Altamont Street
Co. Mayo
F28 ET85 - 09827375
- chamber@westportireland.com
- westportchamber.ie/
Athlone Chamber
- Unit 12 Inis Oir,
Golden Island,
Co. Westmeath - 0906420931
- info@athlonechamber.ie
- www.athlonechamber.ie
County Meath Chamber
- Chamber Buildings
Church Hill, Navan
Co. Meath
C15 YKR4 - 0469046060
- info@countymeathchamber.ie
- www.countymeathchamber.ie
Tullamore & District Chamber
- Unit 2A – Second Level
Bridge Centre
Co. Offaly - 0579323698
- info@tullamorechamber.com
- www.tullamorechamber.com
Limerick Chamber
- 96 O’Connell Street
V94 YYP6 - 061415180
- info@limerickchamber.ie
- www.limerickchamber.ie
County Tipperary Chamber
- Questum Acceleration Centre
Ballingarrane Science & Technology Park
Co. Tipperary
E91 V239
- 0526126500
- marketing@countytipperarychamber.com
- www.countytipperarychamber.com/
Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber
- Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber,
First Floor, Dungarvan Enterprise Centre,
Main Street,
Co Waterford,
X35 FX45 - 05845054
- info@dungarvanchamber.ie
- www.dungarvanchamber.ie
Waterford Chamber
- 2 George’s Street
X91 AH9K - 051872639
- info@waterfordchamber.ie
- www.waterfordchamber.ie
Mullingar Chamber
- Market House
Market Square
Co Westmeath
N91 FD8C - 0449344044
- info@mullingarchamber.ie
- www.mullingarchamber.ie
Wexford Chamber
Chamber Offices
Hill Street
Y35 WR99
- 0539122226
- info@countywexfordchamber.ie
- www.countywexfordchamber.ie/
Arklow & District Chamber
Arklow Business Enterprise Centre
Kilbride Industrial Estate
Co. Wicklow
Y14 X803
- 040226909
- chamber@arklow.ie
- www.arklow.ie
Bray & District Chamber
Chamber of Commerce House
10 Prince of Wales Terrace
Co. Wicklow
A98 A4X0
- 012828248
- info@braychamber.ie
- www.braychamber.ie
Laois Chamber
- James Fintan Lalor Ave
KLyster Square, Kylekiproe
Co. Laois
- 0852566522
- info@laoischamber.ie
- laoischamber.ie/
Chambers Ireland
- 11 St Stephens Green
Dublin 2
D02 FY84 - 014004300
- info@chambers.ie
- www.chambers.ie
Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Titanic Suites
Level 5
55-59 Adelaide Street
BT2 8FE - 4402890244113
- mail@northernirelandchamber.com
- www.northernirelandchamber.com/
Cootehill Chamber
- White Star Complex
Market Street
Co Cavan
H16 X034 - 0862604163
- cootehillchamber64@gmail.com
- www.cootehill.ie/business/#business-in-cootehill
Ennis Chamber
- 54, O’Connell Street
Co. Clare
V95 V3KD - 0656842988
- info@ennischamber.ie
- www.ennischamber.ie
Shannon Chamber
- Suite 14,
Shannon Airport House,
Shannon Free Zone,
Co. Clare
V14 E370 - 061475854
- admin@shannonchamber.ie
- www.shannonchamber.ie
Bantry Chamber
- C/O Neill Clarke Auctioneers
New Street
Co Cork
P75 TN96 - 02752860
- neillbantry@gmail.com
Cobh & Harbour Chamber
- Market House
Arch Building
Casement Square
Co. Cork
P24 RX89 - 0214813612
- info@cobhharbourchamber.ie
- www.cobhharbourchamber.ie
Cork Chamber
- Fitzgerald House
Summerhill North
T23 TD90 - 0214509044
- info@corkchamber.ie
- www.corkchamber.ie
Mallow Chamber
- 3/4 Bridewell Lane
Co. Cork
P51 EK7R - 02255660
- info@mallowchamber.ie
- www.mallowchamber.ie
Letterkenny Chamber
- Grand Central Complex
Canal Road
Co Donegal
F92 EK7Y - 0749124866
- info@letterkennychamber.com
- www.letterkennychamber.com
County Carlow Chamber
- Carlow Gateway Business Centre
Athy Road
R93 C7P6 - 0599132337
- admin@carlowchamber.com
- carlowchamber.com/
Dublin Chamber
- 7 Clare Street
Dublin 2
D02 F902 - 016447200
- info@dublinchamber.ie
- www.dublinchamber.ie
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Chamber
- Avoca House
8 Marine Road
Dún Laoghaire
Co. Dublin
A96 X8Y6 - 012845066
- info@dlrchamber.ie
- www.dlrchamber.ie
Fingal Chamber
- Fingal Dublin Chamber
2 The Green,
Dublin Airport Central
Dublin Airport
Eircode K67 E2H3 - 018900977
- info@fingaldublinchamber.ie
- www.fingaldublinchamber.ie/
South Dublin Chamber
- Tallaght Business Centre
Whitestown Industrial Estate
Dublin 24
D24 K59A - 014622107
- business@sdchamber.ie
- www.sdchamber.ie
Galway Chamber
- Commerce House
Merchants Road
H91 C8K1 - 091563536
- info@galwaychamber.com
- www.galwaychamber.com
Tralee Chamber
- HQ Tralee
Building 2
Dominick Street
Co. Kerry
V92 C799 - 0667121472
- info@tralee.ie
- www.tralee.ie
County Kildare Chamber
- Sallins Road
Naas Town Centre
Co. Kildare
W91 EE6D - 045894074
- info@countykildarechamber.ie
- www.countykildarechamber.ie
Kilkenny Chamber
- 11 Patrick Street
R95 VNP4 - 0567752767
- admin@kilkennychamber.ie
- www.kilkennychamber.ie
Provision Key (Click Item to Focus)
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Founded in 1923 – over a century dedicated to Irish business
Representing over 8,500 Businesses
Member Chambers
Lobbying Returns Filed in 2023