Research Report on Healthy Ireland Healthy Workplace Framework launched

Research Report on Healthy Ireland Healthy Workplace Framework launched
Monday December 11th 2023
Minister Hildegarde Naughton, TD and Minister of State with responsibility for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy, today launched a research report on the Healthy Ireland Workplace Framework. The report was carried out by Chambers Ireland and commissioned by Healthy Ireland to look at the issues around Health and Wellbeing in the workplace and how businesses are engaging with the Healthy Workplace Framework.
The work outlined in this report was completed over a period of three months. Chambers Ireland obtained the views of businesses through 19 focus groups, which were conducted with the support of the Chamber Network.
In launching the report, Minister Naughton stated:
“It is widely acknowledged at international level that the workplace is an ideal setting to promote employee wellbeing. This research provides us with data in relation to the benefits, and indeed any challenges and barriers, to promoting wellbeing in the workplace. It also offers us insights into the perceived role of businesses and the types of initiatives that are delivered in organisations”.
She went on to say “One of the interesting findings in the report is that organisations, which had a health and wellbeing strategy and supports in place, found it easier to recruit staff. This is a key message which we need to highlight going forward, as our vision for wellbeing in the workplace is that it becomes embedded in the culture of every organisation”.
Speaking at the launch of the report in Galway today, Ian Talbot, Chief Executive of Chambers Ireland said:
“We are delighted to present this report to Healthy Ireland. Having a healthy and productive workforce is an important element of any vibrant and robust economy. We have seen many new trends in the past couple of years such as remote and hybrid models of work, which provided a timely opportunity to evaluate the health and wellbeing of our workforce. This report underscores our commitment to the ongoing betterment of our national workforce and informs the implementation of the Healthy Workplace Framework. Chambers Ireland are delighted to be able to contribute to this ongoing work by conducting this research and presenting its findings.”
Eveanna Ryan, Galway Chamber President stated:
“As one of the Chambers whose members took part in the research, we are delighted to see the report launched at our office in Galway and hope our members engage further with the framework.”
For More Information:
Contact James Kiernan, Chambers Ireland, on 087 671 8468 or email
Full report:
Available on Chambers Ireland’s website here.
About Chambers Ireland:
Chambers Ireland is the voice of business throughout Ireland, with 39 member chambers across every major city, town and region of the island. Aligning our strategic priorities with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, our aim is to make places better to live, work and do business.