Opportunities for Ireland As Global Sentiment Improves ICC Ireland has today (13/02/13) said that the outlook for the global economic climate is positive according to the latest World Economic Survey, published today by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Munich-based Institute for Economic Research (Ifo). Speaking this morning, Ian Talbot, ICC Ireland Chairman
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Business Process Outsourcing Can Support Ireland’s Recovery Chambers Ireland has today (13/02/13) called on the Government to implement business process outsourcing, particularly in areas such as passport processing. The call comes following a presentation made by Chambers Ireland to the Oireachtas Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade outlining how the Department of Foreign Affairs and
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Chambers Ireland has today (27/02/13) said that the latest CSO Live Register figures, which show a standardised unemployment rate of 14.1% in February 2013, unchanged for the past three months, highlight that unemployment has staibilised. Speaking this afternoon, Seán Murphy, Chambers Ireland Deputy Chief Executive, said “While there have been small changes in the number
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ATUC Reject Merger Proposal Chambers Ireland has today (12/02/13) called on the European Commission to reject Ryanair’s proposal to increase its stake in Aer Lingus. The call comes following a Chambers Ireland submission to the European Commission on the proposal. Speaking this morning, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, said “As an island economy reliant
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Chambers Ireland has today (07/02/13) welcomed the Government’s deal with the ECB to eliminate promissory notes in exchange for long-term bonds. Speaking this evening, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, said “The news that the country has eased its bank debt repayment burden significantly is welcome. This very positive economic development will assist greatly in
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Chambers Ireland has today (01/02/13) said that the Action Plan for Jobs 2013 needs to set more challenging targets for job creation if we are to tackle unemployment seriously in this country. Speaking this morning, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive said “While most of the measures set out as part of the Action Plan
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Chambers Ireland has today (30/01/13) said that the latest CSO Live Register figures, which show a standardised unemployment rate of 14.6% in January 2012, unchanged for the past three months, highlight that not enough is being done to stimulate domestic demand and support job creation. Speaking this morning, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, said
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Chambers Ireland has today (28/01/13) called on Government to introduce proactive measures to stimulate and support domestic demand, including confirming a revised date for Budget day that is well in advance of the Christmas period, given Retail Sales Index figures that show a monthly volume index decrease of 0.1%. Speaking this morning, Seán Murphy, Chambers
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When the Croke Park agreement was reached in 2010, its continuance was always on the proviso that things wouldn’t get any worse. So, three years on, where do we stand? At home, unemployment has increased by 8.2% since the agreement was signed and would be even higher if it wasn’t for the emigration levels we
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Chambers Ireland has today (23/01/13) said that Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) must not become a box-ticking exercise for Local Authorities but are harnessed to their full potential by including input from the local business community. Speaking this morning, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive said “While we welcome the introduction of Local Enterprise Offices, it
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Government Targets Need to Be More Ambitious Chambers Ireland has today (14/01/13) said that all available options must be on the table during this week’s Croke Park Agreement renegotiation if necessary savings and cost containments in the public sector are to be achieved. Speaking this morning, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, said “We need
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Chambers Ireland has today (04/01/13) called on Government to take serious measures to cut public sector costs in 2013. Speaking this afternoon, Ian Talbot, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive, said “While recognising the Government’s achievements in meeting targets, vitally important in managing our recovery, today’s Exchequer Statement cannot hide the fact that Current Expenditure actually increased
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