Chambers Ireland responds to the postponement of the Unified Patent Court Referendum

Speaking after it was announced that the Unified Patent Court (UPC) Referendum had been postponed, Chambers Ireland’s Chief Executive, Ian Talbot, said:
“It is disappointing that the Referendum has been postponed. Chambers Ireland firmly believes that businesses and entrepreneurs across the country stand to benefit from membership of the EU Unified Patent Court. The UPC plays a vital role in protecting and promoting innovation and business interests, while reducing costs and red tape for entrepreneurs wishing to protect their intellectual property (IP) in signatory countries. Without access to the UPC, innovating Irish businesses suffer a significant competitive disadvantage against their peers that have already signed up in the Single Market.
More broadly, as the largest common law, English-speaking jurisdiction in the European Union, UPC membership also presents a huge opportunity to attract investment and promote Ireland as an IP hub. We shouldn’t risk falling behind and losing this potential opportunity.
While we agree that timing is important and delivering a comprehensive communications strategy is key, this decision is unfortunate and there will be many businesses across the country that will now be forced to defer or reconsider their expansion plans across Europe.
We call on Government to commit to a new date for the Referendum and to implement a plan for engaging the public positively on the issue. Chambers Ireland is ready to support the Referendum and promote a ‘Yes’ vote across our membership.”