eTenders : What your Business needs to know

eTenders is Ireland’s national tendering platform, where you can access opportunities to sell to the Government. On 15th May, the Office of Government Procurement changed the e-tenders Platform. For businesses who are already registered on the platform, there are a few steps you will need to take to ensure you can still access these opportunities. We discuss the details of these updates below.
What does it mean for your business on eTenders?
If you are already registered on the platform, your registration details will automatically be transferred to the new platform. However, you will need to re-input information like business alerts and additional data on first login, this will take about 20 minutes. You will then be able to fully access the new platform. New competitions will be published on the platform from 22 May onwards.
Logging into the platform for the first time
You will be able to access the platform at the existing website address, However, you will have to input that address fully the first time you login, without using any previously saved links.
A step-by-step guide on logging into the new system for the first time is available. There is a guide available for general users, and a guide available for administrators.
For more information, click here