Category: Latest News

Ireland is recognised as having a world class education system and a highly educated population. Recent years have seen the introduction of many positive changes to our education and training system; however our economy still has significant skills gaps which risk impeding our economic growth and future job creation. The current skills mismatches and gaps

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Ireland is recognised as having a world class education system and a highly educated population. Recent years have seen the introduction of many positive changes to our education and training system; however our economy still has significant skills gaps which risk impeding our economic growth and future job creation. The current skills mismatches and gaps

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It is estimated that almost €4billion could be owed to Irish businesses due to late payments, an average of almost €23,000 per business. This massive sum of uncollected revenue has become a drain on Irish business and the Irish economy as a whole. There are many consequences of late payments for businesses of all sizes but for

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Guest blog by Michael Alario, Boston College, Policy Intern with Chambers Ireland The Africa Ireland Economic Forum was born in 2011 out of the Department of National Affairs’ re-imagined strategy for diplomatic and business development between Ireland and Africa. This is the third such Forum since then. Giving the opening address, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise

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The National Competitiveness Council’s ‘Costs of Doing Business in Ireland 2016’ report published today (21 April 2016) highlights the many risks facing Irish economic growth and the need to address cost competitiveness in our economy. Commenting on the publication of the report, Mark O’Mahoney, Chambers Ireland said, “This report is a reminder that despite continued

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The National Competitiveness Council last week issued its Why Competitiveness Matters Bulletin. Its key message during this time of political uncertainty in Ireland is that, “the same urgency and commitment that went into bringing down the government deficit, stabilising debt levels and securing the banking system must now go into maintaining and improving competitiveness.” We absolutely

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