Chambers Ireland welcomes EU-New Zealand Trade Agreement

Chambers Ireland has today (10 May 2024) welcomed the Free-Trade Agreement between the EU and New Zealand which came into force earlier this month.

Speaking today, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot said,

“The EU’s Agreement with New Zealand presents great opportunities for Irish companies. New Zealand is a hugely important trading partner and the elimination of duties – worth roughly €140 million per year – will be crucial for Irish businesses.”

“Lest we forget the other benefits too; Irish companies will now be able to tender on an equal footing with local suppliers and service providers in New Zealand for contracts with public authorities.”

“The Agreement is also a timely reminder of the EU’s robust network of Free Trade Agreements and the opportunities created by the Single Market for exporters and importers. Their value is underscored not just in providing market access but through establishing common standards and a stable trading environment as well.”

“As SDG Champions, we are also pleased that the Agreement comprises essential sustainability promises, including a commitment to uphold the Paris Climate Agreement.”


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